What is the risk of the nicotine-free vapourizer to stop smoking compared to the Nicoderm patch?

36-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello, I have been prescribed a 14mg quit smoking patch, but I am afraid of the side effects. I was also told about the vapoteuse. However, with all the talk about it, I don't really know what is true or not.
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2 hours

Sarah-Yan Chagnon · 3 years ago
Personally, I do not recommend the nicotine-free vaporizer for smoking cessation. Indeed, this product has 2 major drawbacks:
  • Since it does not contain nicotine, it does not reduce the physical (e.g. insomnia, sweating) and psychological (e.g. irritability, anxiety) withdrawal symptoms that one can have when stopping. Thus, it is equivalent to quitting without help.
  • Since the vaporizer looks like a cigarette, we do not get rid of the habit of having an object in the mouth and the pleasure felt
Recently, as you have heard, yes the vapourizer has been associated with serious lung problems that have resulted in deaths. It is not known at this time what ingredient in the vaporizer would cause these problems. The problem is that this product is not regulated by the government, because it is not considered a food, nor a medicine, nor a drug. So, much like cigarettes, companies can put anything in the vaporizer. If you want to read an interesting article on the subject, I put the link below
If you are afraid of patches, I advise you to talk to your pharmacist who will be able to look at other alternatives (e.g. Champix, gum/paste). Also, be aware that the majority of side effects with patches are actually caused by nicotine withdrawal symptoms or by an incorrectly adjusted dosage according to your needs.
36-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Super a big thank you to you. So I will take the patch instead of the vapoteuse. The article was interesting and much better than on the internet
Sarah-Yan Chagnon · 3 years ago
We look forward to hearing from you,
Sarah-Yan Chagnon, pharmacist

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