Hi, I started running again today. After my run, I grumbled for 15 minutes. Does this mean I need a pump?

29-year-old woman3 years ago
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a day

Antoine Mathieu-Piotte · 3 years ago
It is not necessarily abnormal to experience these types of symptoms following a more intense activity than normal. In response to a sudden increase in ventilation, there may be temporary inflammation of the pulmonary passages and bronchospasm, causing a feeling of tightness in the lungs, coughing, wheezing or even wheezing.
The solution usually lies in better preparation for the activity: ensuring proper hydration, a gradual increase in intensity and adequate warm-up.
Of course, if you have known asthma or seasonal allergies, non-pharmacological measures may not be enough. In some cases, it is possible that an inhaled medication that dilates the bronchial tubes may offer protection against your post-race difficulties. To obtain this, you will need to consult a physician, which you should do if non-pharmacological measures do not work, if you develop respiratory symptoms outside of exercise, or if your post-race symptoms increase.
Have a good run!
29-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Thank you very much!

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