Which covid-19 vaccine would be best for me (with the least risk of complications/severe side effects)

25-year-old woman3 years ago
I am a 22 year old woman. I have been taking the contraceptive pill for almost 3 years. I have food allergies to pineapple and kiwis (epipen) or seasonal allergies. According to my mother, I am allergic to polyethylene glycol (which is in moderna) and which is present in cough syrups like benylin. I was having nightmares and had a very restless sleep with this syrup. Otherwise it could be because of the dextromethorphan...
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18 hours

Vincent Ouellet · 3 years ago
The 2 available vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) would be equally good choices in your case. You can receive either one without fear.
Happy day!

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