I have a stomach bug?

32-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello, I thought I had a stomach bug that started last Thursday night. However, I have not improved since then and I have not been able to eat. My 3 children and my spouse have nothing. I am starting to worry and wonder if it is something else. Is it normal that my symptoms continue after 4 days? Should I consult? I feel weak and dehydrated
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3 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 3 years ago
Hi, sorry to read about your troubles!
Have you tried or taken anything for nausea and vomiting?
If not, I invite you to consult your pharmacist (on the phone or in person through your spouse) who can prescribe Gravol to alleviate the nausea
It will be important to hydrate yourself with a rehydration solution and then with other liquids, gradually.
If you are completely unable to eat or drink, you should quickly consult a doctor.
I hope I've been helpful, so please don't hesitate if you have any further questions
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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