I have had symptoms of acute laryngitis for 6 days (voice loss, sore throat, cough with yellow sputum only in the morning).

30-year-old woman5 years ago
Woman 25 years old, not pregnant and not breastfeeding. No previous history. No allergies. To help me, I hydrate a lot, I avoid talking, I take PRN lozenges, but do not really relieve me. I'm looking for other alternatives, a really tired girl.
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23 minutes

Genevieve Duperron · 5 years ago
If it is laryngitis, it is unfortunately viral and there is no treatment. A humidifier and cleaning your nose in addition to what you are already doing should help the treatment. If your sore throat was so bad that you had difficulty swallowing your saliva or felt like razor blades with every bite, strep throat/tonsillitis may be suspected. Some pharmacies screen for it or in a medical clinic and if so, antibiotic therapy should be started

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