Streptococcus A: can we test in a pharmacy?

30-year-old woman5 years ago
Hello I think my son has Strep A because he has all the symptoms Is the Strep A done at the pharmacy and does it take a prescription? Also I am pregnant and is it dangerous for the fetus if I catch it Thank you
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12 hours

Denis Roy · 5 years ago
Hello ! The streptococcus test can be done in a pharmacy, but it is not available everywhere and not under the same conditions in all pharmacies. I invite you to call before going to the pharmacy to confirm the availability of the test and the way to proceed. For the fetus, being a strep throat carrier as such is not dangerous. However, if it becomes complicated and becomes strep throat, it must be treated to avoid complications that could be dangerous (scarlet fever). Have a nice day!

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