I give homeopathic throat syrup to my daughter, but it doesn't seem to work. What can I do to help her?

31-year-old woman3 years ago
My 3 year old daughter all hollow and threw up 3 times today because of it. She has been coughing hollow for 3-4 days, no fever or other symptoms.
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17 hours

Sandrine Vézina · 3 years ago
Indeed, homeopathic syrups usually contain only water and honey, which can be quite ineffective. For children under 6 years of age, syrups containing DM such as Benylin or Tylenol Cold are not recommended.
However, there are two natural syrups that are indicated for children over 1 year old, Helixia and Nilozan. I personally have more experience with the first one, which is based on ivy leaves. It is quite effective for both wet and dry coughs. It can be used 3 times a day and its honey taste is quite appreciated by children. The second one is based on thyme leaves, which gives it a less pleasant taste. It has still been shown to be effective in calming coughs in studies.
I hope this answers your question,

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