I have sinusitis, I started my antibiotics on Monday, after how long should I feel better?

28-year-old woman5 years ago
Is it possible to have a headache in the temples?
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18 hours

Marie Brousseau · 5 years ago
You can start to feel an improvement 48 to 72 hours after starting the antibiotic treatment. It is normal to have a headache when you have sinusitis. The pain can be relieved with acetaminophen or ibuprofen combined with a decongestant such as pseudoephedrine (if you have no contraindications (other medications or health problems)). You can also use a saline nasal douche such as Hydrasense or Sinus rinse to help drain and moisturize the sinuses. All of this may help you get relief faster.
Don't hesitate if you have any other questions,
Marie Brousseau, pharmacist
28-year-old woman · 5 years ago
Since yesterday I have a pain located more precisely in the left temple, can it be related to the sinuses?
Marie Brousseau · 5 years ago
Yes, it can be related to sinusitis.

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