Can too much protein be dangerous for a baby? Thank you!

32-year-old woman3 years ago
I give my 11 month old baby 3.25% milk with the doctor's approval, but I notice that it causes him a lot of difficulties with his digestion (gas, burping, constipation).
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an hour

Martin Payer · 3 years ago
Good evening Mrs,
There is no danger in giving 3.25% milk to your child. In fact, the percentage of milk (1%, 2%, etc) refers to the percentage of fat and not protein. That being said, the amount of protein in milk (regardless of the %) is safe - as long as the child does not consume overwhelming amounts...
Before making the change, were you breastfeeding? Or were you using formula?
Sometimes just changing milk or introducing a new food can cause a little indigestion, gas... It's a matter of adaptation. As long as the child does not have intense diarrhea, blood in the stool or alarming symptoms, the situation should get better and better. The more slowly the new food is introduced (in small quantities) the better.
In short, it's normal for your child to have a little more gas or indigestion. If the symptoms get worse or persist for more than a week, it's worth talking to the doctor, but as mentioned, for now I would continue and it should get better.
If constipation persists, it is something that can easily be managed at the pharmacy. Please feel free to talk to me again if necessary.
I hope this answers your question.
Don't hesitate if you need more information =)
Have a nice evening!

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