My question is, can I give him tylenol in addition to the homeopathic syrup?

26-year-old woman3 years ago
Good evening my daughter has a cold and does not look comfortable after the baby fly and I have just given her homeopathic 0-9 years.
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11 minutes

Nathalie Gagnon · 3 years ago
How old is your daughter? What symptoms does she have that could be improved by tylenol?
26-year-old woman · 3 years ago
She is 2 years old, I feel like homeopathic doesn't work, but I don't like to medicate my kids put I want him to be comfortable.
26-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Her symptoms her runny nose sneezes and coughs when she is in bed and she has mucus in her throat
We went to test for covid last week since my spouse had the same symptoms
Nathalie Gagnon · 3 years ago
Tylenol is useful for pain and when the child has a fever and is uncomfortable.
Nathalie Gagnon · 3 years ago
For coughing, you can give honey. Also, you can leave her a closed glass with water to keep her hydrated at night if she coughs or is thirsty.

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