My spouse was bitten by a tick, should we start an antibiotic treatment or wait to see if a round rash appears?

35-year-old woman2 years ago
Yesterday, my spouse was bitten by a tick that was stuck to his skin. I removed it with a pair of pliers (specifically for removing ticks), taking care not to press on the abdomen of the tick. For now, he only has a small red spot that looks like an insect bite. He doesn't have a round rash (erythema migrans) or any other symptoms.
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an hour

Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Hello, ma'am, I invite your spouse to come to the pharmacy today for a short consultation with a pharmacist to evaluate the need for a prescription.
He/she will be in a better position to assess the situation, develop a treatment plan, and ensure a close follow-up with him/her.
Tom Samaha, Pharmacist
35-year-old woman · 2 years ago
The issue is that we are currently traveling abroad. We will try to see a pharmacist here. Thank you
Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Thank you for the clarification! Antibiotic prophylaxis is only necessary where there is a risk for Lyme disease. I don't know what area you are currently in, so starting with a pharmacist would be the best way to start.

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