I am taking capecitabine (Xeloda) tablets. Do I have to wear gloves at all times?

70-year-old woman4 years ago
I remember that at the hospital they gave me instructions on how to handle my medication. Do I have to wear gloves at all times? Would this help me more with hand-foot syndrome? A pharmacist had given me advice about this syndrome when I had redness and tingling in my hands.
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12 minutes

Mannar Dayoub · 4 years ago
In relation to the redness and tingling you are experiencing in your hands, in addition to following the measures I named, it is important to leave your hands in the open air as often as possible so that they do not sweat. I remind you that if the situation worsens, either call us back or call the treating team.
In relation to gloves and handling capecitabine tablets, it is important to follow the instructions given at the hospital, as the drug can be toxic to those around you like most drugs used in chemotherapy. Generally, you do not need to wear gloves when taking the drug, but be sure to wash your hands after handling it. Warm water and mild soap are best. If someone you know needs to handle the medication, they should wear disposable gloves that can be purchased at the pharmacy.
For details about handling the medication, I invite you to visit our website http://www.lmpharmacists.com/ under the resource tab - oncology - general - safe handling
Happy day :)
Jean-Paul Duong, pharmacy student
Supervised by Mannar Dayoub, pharmacist
70-year-old woman · 4 years ago
Okay, thank you for your valuable help. Have a nice day :)

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