I have a red spot on my gum. Is it cancer?

61-year-old woman5 years ago
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18 hours

61-year-old woman · 5 years ago
Hello , I have a kind of red spot on my gums and a little bit encavé, in the top of the gum towards the middle, can it be cancerous, I went to see the dentist, she wanted to take an X-ray, but I am not able to have this object in my mouth, I refused, it raises my heart, I already took an X-ray, but I had just like a cardboard, not like a camera ..... I don't have my teeth since I was 14 years old, I'm 56 years old, I'm a little afraid ,,,,, that it's cancerous, it's been like a long time that I have this, I went to the denturist, last week, she did a kind of temporary relining so that my prosthesis doesn't move anymore, I don't know how long it can take to heal if it was due to my prosthesis that she modified last week. I have a phobia of being played with in my mouth, so I'm a little freaked out ................... Thank you for taking your time to answer us,,, it's much appreciated, I'm kind of discouraged by all this.........
Alexandre Chagnon · 5 years ago
Hello Madam,
Unfortunately, it is indeed with the dentist or the denturologist that you will have to validate this information. As a pharmacist, I am not authorized to make a diagnosis.
I suggest that you consult your dentist again so that he or she can perform the necessary analyses to make the right diagnosis of your situation.
Good day,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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