I think my birth control pill is not strong enough. What should I do?

34-year-old woman5 years ago
Hi, I have another question. I think my Marvelon pill is not strong enough. I am menstruating even though I take it at the same time every day (and continuously). Is there a stronger pill? One that doesn't cause weight gain/acne or anything else? It always worked well before, but I've had two kids in the last few years. Thank you!
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an hour

Isabelle Pelletier · 5 years ago
Hello, you should know that when bleeding occurs more than 21 days after continuous use, it is often enough to stop for 5 to 7 days to let the period start and then continue continuously. On the other hand, if bleeding occurs less than 21 days after the beginning of a new cycle (end of the last menstrual period), it may be necessary to consider increasing the strength of the estrogen (ethinylestradiol) or changing the progestin. In short, in this context, there are several options that could be tried, it's a bit of "trial and error"... for example, one could try cyclen (which contains 35 mcg of ethinylestradiol compared to 30mcg in marvelon) or change progestin, for example, try Yasmin which contains drosperinone (instead of desogestrel). In both cases, the androgenic activity (often responsible for acne or weight gain) is low or nil, which makes these choices interesting. But in short, you have to keep in mind that this is not an exact science, you often have to try a few different types to find the one that suits you best. I hope this helps you a little, don't hesitate if you have any other questions
34-year-old woman · 5 years ago
Yes thank you very much!!!

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