Hello pharmacists, are Estrogel and Nexium (taken for about 20 years) covered by the RAMQ?

76-year-old woman5 years ago
Hello pharmacists, I have been taking Estrogel and Nexium for over 20 years. Are these 2 drugs covered by the RAMQ?
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8 minutes

Emmanuelle Laflamme · 5 years ago
Hello! Thank you for your question. Estrogel is reimbursed by the RAMQ yes, for Nexium, the original brand is not reimbursed in full. In fact, even for the generic, there is a maximum payable by the government (they have set a ceiling themselves). Do you see this information on your bill? Often it says "uninsured excess". This is the amount they refuse to pay. Thank you, Emmanuelle

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Pharmacie Emmanuelle Laflamme
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