Hello! I am leaving in 1 month for a vacation in the south. I would like to know if it is possible not to have my period during this stay?

30-year-old woman4 years ago
I just had them from December 15 to 19. I don't have any oral contraceptives. Is it possible to get a prescription? Would there be any other way for me to skip this month? I am leaving on January 13, 2020. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my question :)
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15 minutes

David Tan · 4 years ago
The safest and most certain method to inhibit menstruation is to take the birth control pill continuously. There are natural products that can delay menstruation, but they are not readily available or proven to be absolutely effective. Alternatively, there is surgery (removal of the uterus), but this is a somewhat too permanent option and not adapted to your needs.
The contraceptive pill must generally be prescribed by a doctor. Some nurses can also do it if they have a "collective prescription" that allows them to prescribe instead of a doctor, but these nurses are not available everywhere (generally, they are found in certain specialized clinics, certain CLSCs or certain schools). Otherwise, a pharmacist can prescribe a contraceptive pill, but only after an emergency oral contraception (or Plan B)
I'm sorry I can't offer you a better answer to your question, but I hope this sheds some light. Please feel free to contact me again if you need help.
Happy Holidays!
David Tan, Pharmacist

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