Could it be a stye? An inflammation, allergy?

21-year-old woman4 years ago
I have a very intense pain in my right eyelid, it started 2 days ago I told myself it was a misplaced eyelash but this morning my eyelid was slightly swollen and in the course of the day the whole thing has degenerated, I see slightly blurred of my eye, I cry only of this eye, and when I blink the pain is even worse, I have difficulty touching because the pain is very intense. Note that the corner of my eyelid is red
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17 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Hello Ma'am,
The fact that the pain is so intense and the pain evening lodged in the corner of the eye makes me think that it could not be a stye or chalazion.
In my opinion, it would be better to consult an optometrist urgently. I share with you the following list: Find one or more optometrists in your area there so you can be seen quickly.

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