Is it normal for a newborn to have sticky eyes and a greenish color? Without having any other symptoms. Should I consult?

29-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello, My daughter (newborn) was born on August 15, 2021. She has a discharge from her eyes, the color was white at first in the corner of her eyes, now her eyes are sticky when she wakes up and a little greenish in color. She doesn't have red eyes or swelling, she doesn't bring her hands to her eyes. I clean the eyes with water and towel, I don't use the same corner to clean I change the corner.
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16 hours

Amal El aliti · 3 years ago
Babies with glue eyes are born with a tear duct that is not yet completely open, so tears that cannot drain normally accumulate in their eyes. This condition can affect one or both eyes at the same time. However, as early as the second week of life, it is sometimes noticed that tears often flow out of only one eye
Because of poor drainage, the lacrimal sac (where excess tears accumulate) can become infected more easily. the eyelid and the membrane covering the white of the eye may then be redder, and a discharge of secretions may occur. This discharge dries during sleep and forms a crust on the eyelids. This infection may recur until the tear duct becomes unclogged. symptoms may occur every day or only occasionally.
If you see pus in the discharge (thick, yellowish or greenish discharge) and if your baby's eyes are red and swollen, you should see a doctor.
Have a good day.
Amal Pharmacist

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