I don't have my period and I have all the symptoms of menstruation and I'm well into puberty

18-year-old woman3 years ago
60kg 12 years old 5"4 1/2
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18 hours

18-year-old woman · 3 years ago
I've had my white discharge for 2 years, my pubic hair for almost 2 years, 36A, about 6 months ago I'm messing around and there's a round of blood on my toilet paper (what's that?), acne, stomach aches (at the bottom and a little higher than the bottom on each side), headaches, hair under my armpits, mood swings....
18-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Please try to help me as much as possible 😭 or refer me to a free online gynecologist from Quebec😭😭 mercii
Melina Michaud · 3 years ago
I would like to clarify one thing first: are you 12 or 15 years old? I see both pieces of information.
Melina Michaud · 3 years ago
The reddish discharge is most likely the start of your period. Menstruation can take some time to normalize, so do not be alarmed if it is not regular in time or amount of blood loss.
Abnormal puberty is when there is a delay of more than 4 years between the beginning and the end of the symptoms. If I understand correctly, we are talking about 2 years at the moment. So there is nothing to worry about.
However, if you are concerned about the situation, I suggest that you consult your family doctor or, if you don't have one, via Bonjour Santé at 819-805-0275 for the Shawinigan region. In the long term, you should register at the family doctor access desk at https://www4.prod.ramq.gouv.qc.ca/GRL/LM_GuichAccesMdFamCitoy/fr

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