Nail fungus: Can a pharmacist prescribe a treatment to improve the condition of the nail?

30-year-old woman5 years ago
Hello, I have had a fungus on my toenail for some time.
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23 minutes

Anne-Émilie Dionne · 5 years ago
Although there are some over-the-counter products available in pharmacies for nail fungus, they are generally not very effective. Only your doctor or podiatrist can prescribe a prescription medication that may be more effective (e.g. topical medication: Jublia and Ciclopirox or oral medication: terbinafine)
However, the pharmacist can suggest good non-pharmacological measures to prevent transmission. For example
► Wear cotton socks;
► Clean shoes and socks;
► Dry feet and the space between toes completely;
► Wear sandals in public areas (swimming pool, locker rooms,
► Keep nails clean and short;
► Avoid exchanging nail clippers and shoes with another
► Bringing own instruments to the beauty salon;
► Prevent further trauma to toenails;
► Apply emollients to cracked skin
Hopefully we have answered your question!

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