For migraines, is there anything else besides Advil and Tylenol?

22-year-old woman5 years ago
To relieve me by sleeping and drinking a glass of water
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a day

Alexandre Chagnon · 5 years ago
There are indeed stronger medications than Advil™ and Tylenol™.
First, have you been diagnosed with a migraine by a doctor?
Depending on the diagnosis, you have several options. Simply answer me and I can help you afterwards.
22-year-old woman · 5 years ago
Yes neurologist
Alexandre Chagnon · 5 years ago
Okay, thank you for your response.
If you do have a diagnosis of migraine, there are two things that may need to be done. The first is to take medications that are a little stronger than what you are taking now to relieve your migraine when it occurs. To do this, you could take the combination of Tylenol™ and Naproxen™ at the first symptoms, or a prescription medication in the Triptan family (such as Maxalt™) and Naproxen in combination. Your pharmacist and neurologist will be able to advise you and prescribe the appropriate medications.
The second is to consider migraine prevention. First, by trying to minimize what you believe to be triggers (e.g., sleepless nights, menstruation, etc.), and then by taking preventive medications if you have a large number of migraines every month or other treatments do not work. These medications are prescribed by your doctor, so it would be interesting for you to discuss this with him/her 😊.
Alexandre Chagnon · 5 years ago
Happy end of the day,

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