Despite the hydradenite and Clindamycin, can I continue laser hair removal? Could this help to reduce the symptoms?

29-year-old woman3 years ago
I have mild hydradenitis suppurativa, recently diagnosed. I have started a preventive treatment of topical clindamycin to be applied locally (pubic area). Before being diagnosed, I was doing laser hair removal at home.
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8 hours

Andy Ngo · 3 years ago
Following a quick search on a database designed for physicians, I did not find any contraindication to the use of laser hair removal: neither in relation to the use of clindamycin, nor in relation to suppurative hydradenitis. Despite my limited expertise on the subject I would be inclined to say that there should be no problem.
In fact, several types of laser treatment would have been studied (over a dozen) to reduce the symptoms, hence some logic behind thinking that it might get better. Unfortunately, the data would not support a strong recommendation to suggest them, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.
Concretely if topical clindamycin proves ineffective (a first-line option for most situations) and the physician is certain of his or her diagnosis, he/she may opt for oral antibiotic treatment (rather than laser therapy).
In such a case it would be pertinent to discuss with the pharmacy, there are ways to send suggestions to the doctor depending on the progression of the problem, especially if the doctor may not have follow-up planned or is difficult to reach.
Hopefully this helps a bit
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29-year-old woman · 3 years ago
The doctor who prescribed the clindamycin was a walk-in doctor. I eventually want to follow up with a dermatologist. So far, the clindamycin treatment is working well (no new rashes in 2 weeks). In the meantime, I will try laser hair removal again since there are no contraindications. Thank you so much!
Andy Ngo · 3 years ago
That sounds effective to me! Glad to hear it.
Look forward!

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