I am sick, so I drink a lot of water. However, I go to the bathroom very often, which is annoying. What can I do about it?

24 -year-old man5 years ago
I read that you should drink a lot of water when you are sick. Also, my mouth is dry and I'm thirsty. But if my body needs so much water, why does it release so much of it in my urine? Is this normal? Is there anything I can do about it?
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3 days

Alexandre Chagnon · 5 years ago
There is not much you can do to avoid this. Your body only takes in what it needs and releases the excess water in the urine.
Continue to hydrate as you do, but try to measure what you drink so that you can decrease the amount of water you ingest somewhat. That way, you may be able to reduce how often you need to go to the bathroom.
24 -year-old man · 5 years ago
Perfect, thank you!
Alexandre Chagnon · 5 years ago
It feels good!"

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