I have pain in my chest in a muscular way, what can it be?

27-year-old woman3 years ago
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18 hours

Marianne Paré · 3 years ago
Hi Mrs,
There are many medical conditions that can cause chest pain at any age. Even though I don't have much information about your health and your history, I strongly recommend that you see a doctor as soon as possible, for example in the emergency room or without an appointment. He or she will be able to evaluate and treat you if necessary
I hope that I have been able to help you,
Rachel Lavoie, Pharmacy student
27-year-old woman · 3 years ago
I take advils and it passes, I already made a costocondritis can it be related?
Marianne Paré · 3 years ago
When were you diagnosed? Generally, constochondritis can take a few weeks to a few months to resolve, but can last up to a year in some cases
However, the diagnosis is a medical matter. I am not able to give a clear answer to your question, unfortunately. A doctor will be better able to answer your question
As for Advil, I recommend a dosage of 2 x 200mg tablets every 6 to 8 hours, if you are not pregnant, do not suffer from gastric or cardiac problems and do not have any allergies. Also note that other anti-inflammatory drugs such as Motrin or Naproxen should not be taken with Advil. To make sure there is no interaction with your medication, I suggest you call your pharmacy.
Rachel Lavoie, pharmacy student

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