My spouse is taking Revlimid. What are the precautions for family members?

63 -year-old man7 years ago
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2 days

63 -year-old man · 7 years ago
Treated for multiple myeloma. Revlimid 25 mg 21 days and 7 days break.
Alexandre Chagnon · 7 years ago
Good morning, sir,
Alexandre Chagnon · 7 years ago
The important thing is to keep the people close to your partner on Revlimid to a minimum. Of course, you should avoid touching the pills and make sure that no one inadvertently takes them. As for exposure to the drug through contact with your spouse, I refer you to a very good document produced by my colleagues in Montreal:
Alexandre Chagnon · 7 years ago
If you have any other questions after reading the document, please let me know.
Alexandre Chagnon · 7 years ago
We look forward to seeing you,
Alexandre Chagnon · 7 years ago
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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