Could the use of probiotic drops (like Bio gaia) be beneficial for my daughter in this kind of situation?

33-year-old woman4 years ago
My baby is one month old today. I suspect she is having a little reflux. She "chews gum", sometimes seems uncomfortable after limp. At night it's hard ++ to put her down after a feed, even if I keep her upright for at least 15 min. She raps ++, the milk goes up in her throat, and if I let her she ends up crying. She sometimes regurgitates (day or night) but small quantities, and often curdled milk. I don't see her doctor until she is 2 months old and I would like to relieve her before that. I don't think she is colicky (no intense crying episodes every night at the same time) but she seems to have stomach pain sometimes (has gas, forced but no stool, squirms), occasionally during the day. She's exclusively breastfed and I'm already doing the other stuff (elevating the bed, daytime carry to sleep upright, burping regularly-she has trouble with it sometimes, etc.). Thanks!
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a day

Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Hello Ma'am,
At 4 weeks of life, it is indeed very rare for colic to be involved. These usually appear in 2 to 3 weeks, when they are present.
For your question, probiotics will not help in my opinion. You really seem to have hit the nail on the head based on your description of it. I would be more inclined to move up the consultation with the doctor so that I can get it checked out before in 2 months, keeping in mind that the reflux could still resolve itself, but that it can take a long time sometimes.
Happy day,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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