Is purinethol harmful to my immune system?

36 -year-old man5 years ago
I had the flu a few weeks ago and I was wondering if it is because of a medication I am taking. Can purinethol take away the body's defenses?
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4 days

Alexandre Chagnon · 5 years ago
Hello, It's true, purinethol is linked to a lowered immune system in many people. This is especially true if the dose taken is large, and if this medication is taken with other medications that can affect the immune system. That said, this is not so much a side effect of purinethol. It is more the main effect of the drug. It is taken to "sedate" the immune system in certain conditions (e.g. Crohn's disease). It is not impossible that this drug is linked to a higher incidence of colds in your situation. Have a nice day, Alexandre

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