I am currently taking a daily dose of vitamin D3 of 1000 IU. I am thinking of changing to a 10,000 IU weekly dose? Are there any drawbacks to this? Thank you!

58 -year-old man7 years ago
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2 days

58 -year-old man · 7 years ago
The fact of taking a vit. D supplementation follows a blood test and a visit to my doctor. It's the practicality of taking it weekly that interests me.
Alexandre Chagnon · 7 years ago
Alexandre Chagnon · 7 years ago
There is no disadvantage, in my opinion, to taking this medication once a week. The effect of vitamin D remains as powerful in the area of osteoporosis at this dosage, in addition to reducing the number of pills to take.
Alexandre Chagnon · 7 years ago
That's why most of the patients I see take vitamin D at a rate of one tablet per week.
Alexandre Chagnon · 7 years ago
We look forward to seeing you,
Alexandre Chagnon · 7 years ago
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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