I have white and red spots in my throat. What should I do?

31 -year-old man5 years ago
Thank you
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20 hours

31 -year-old man · 5 years ago
For the past 2 months and more, I have had secretions from my nose into my brownish throat, I still have bad breath even though I brush my teeth four times in the morning, I have white patches in the back of my throat and swollen and red amydals. I don't take any medication in line or not with these symptoms and I have no medical history whatsoever. I think I know that it is necessary to say that I am a smoker. Thank you very much for your help.
Alexandre Chagnon · 5 years ago
Hello Sir,
Your symptoms could be caused by several things, and unfortunately I am not a doctor, so I cannot make a diagnosis.
One thing for sure is that you should see a doctor for this situation. Swollen and red tonsils for such a long time could be related to the fact that you smoke, but could also be the result of an infection.
So I suggest you see a doctor. Together, you will be able to identify and resolve the cause of these symptoms.
Good day,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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