What are the causes of itching in the scalp spread over the body and how to treat it?

46-year-old woman6 years ago
Since the beginning of winter, I have had localized itching in my scalp. For the past two weeks, it has spread all over my body.
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an hour

46-year-old woman · 6 years ago
I use a 1% Hydrocortisone skin cream 1-2 times a day, and an over-the-counter shampoo to counteract the itching every other day, but with no improvement. I stopped using my usual shampoo, changed my shower gel for a moisturizing soap, replaced the application of a scented moisturizing cream by another one that is not scented, washed my bath towel with very hot water... I don't see any improvement since six days.
Maryam Alrifaee · 6 years ago
Hello. All the measures you have applied are very good and this is what is usually recommended when people suffer from itching. I suggest you continue with all the measures you have described and especially apply moisturizer all over your body at least 2 times a day and even more if needed. Since your itching is spread all over your body and this situation persists despite all the good measures you have applied, I recommend that you consult a doctor and discuss this situation with him/her. Many situations can cause itching and it is important to find the cause in order to offer you the right treatment. Good luck in your efforts

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