I have been taking Imovane (zopiclone) 7.5 mg for 10 years. It no longer has as much effect and I suffer from a lot of forgetfulness. Should I stop it?

69-year-old woman5 years ago
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14 hours

69-year-old woman · 5 years ago
anovulants,high pressure,infractus plavis,subdural hematoma,major depression because events occurred within one year.herniated discs for 2 years. imovane 7,5 mg for 10 years. I am now almost 65 years old. medications:duosetine 60mg,atorvastatin 80 mg,jamp asa 80 mg orange co croq,calcium (dark blue) 500mg-400ui co pro bisoprolol 5mg co,valsartan hctz plaq.80-12,5 mg co,amitriptyline 25 kg cp (sorry, my computer doesn't put some letters anymore.
69-year-old woman · 5 years ago
I read that I should reduce the dose of imovane to 3.5 mg. can I take melatonin to compensate? or: take imovane 7.7 mg one night and elavil 25 mg one night. what do you think? difficulty getting up, less in shape, defective memory.
Alexandre Chagnon · 5 years ago
Good morning, Madam,
In fact, in adults over 65 years of age, it is recommended to reduce the dose by half to avoid drowsiness the next morning. That said, it is also indicated to reduce, or even stop the medication completely if it no longer works, as you seem to be saying.
I recommend that you discuss with your pharmacist to plan the reduction, and then the stopping of your Imovan. And as for substituting it with another medication, be advised that melatonin only works at the beginning of the night. It may be possible to replace Imovan with amytriptyline, which you seem to be taking, by taking it before bedtime if you haven't already done so.
Happy day,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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