Should I be worried, what could be more likely given my age?

21-year-old woman3 years ago
What should I do to trigger my period. Take vitamins. Or melatonin to get more sleep? Details provided by the patient Hello, my cycles are quite similar, with an average of 34 days per menstrual cycle. Except that I am now at day 41, I took a pregnancy test on Wednesday night, it is now Saturday. My period was supposed to arrive last Saturday. I've been off the pill for a year since September last year. I have frequent intercourse. Generally protected and the unprotected ones are out of ovulation period and with withdrawal before ejaculation. Knowing that my Wednesday test was negative it would surprise me if it was a baby. Next: well, I had 4 negative tests at the beginning, leaving a gap of approximately 2 weeks between the first and last test. I went to the doctor and he just did a vaginal exam to get two tests like itss, but he didn't do any pregnancy test or blood test because the girl from the blood test was absent. The thing is that he is sure he detected an ovarian cyst because he really hurt me by pinching me. And he detected a yeast infection, the medication was already taken Tuesday night after the appointment so I should already be cured. Still no period. No blood work done. He tells me that if my period doesn't come it will be an ultrasound after the blood test. What could be blocking my period other than a pregnancy? I don't have any pain except when he came to pinch me by pressing on my belly and from the inside ^^ what could be blocking my period so much? Should I be worried? I've always been regular, and I don't have any pain or any more anyway... I'm not stressing out at first, I wasn't so much pregnant or not that I'm not stressing out. But the fact that I don't really know what I could have is starting to stress me out, or if it's serious or not. Last rule on June 28 it seems ^^
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a day

Mac-Pherson Anacréon · 3 years ago
your situation is not simple. You are already well taken care of by a doctor who does tests to find out what is causing your amenorrhea.
In some cases, the doctor may prescribe a progestin to trigger your period. However, you already know that you are not pregnant. Triggering your period would not necessarily solve the problem until the doctor knows what is causing the problem.
For now, the best thing you can do is wait for your doctor's test results.

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