I have a urinary tract infection that doesn't seem to have gone away since I took antibiotics. What should I do?

23-year-old woman3 years ago
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a day

Alexandre Chagnon · 3 years ago
Hello Ma'am,
How long has your treatment been completed? And what was that treatment?
23-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Hello Mr. Chagnon,
My treatment is from August already, but my symptoms are so erratic that I don't know if it's a new infection or just my last one that was never "cured"! The only symptoms I have are urges to urinate when I just went... I'm not sure what treatment I took last time, it was the powdered antibiotics (orange) to be taken one time (I hope it helps...)
Thank you for your time and quick response!
Alexandre Chagnon · 3 years ago
Yes, it helps a lot!"
Just contact your pharmacy and they will represcribe a new antibiotic (thanks to Act 41 which allows you to represcribe a treatment received less than 4 years ago).
Happy day,

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