I have a urinary infection. Can the pharmacist prescribe me something?

35-year-old woman3 years ago
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9 minutes

Sherine Aboraya · 3 years ago
Hello, can I ask you some questions
35-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Yes, go ahead
Amal El aliti · 3 years ago
Hello. The pharmacist can re-prescribe for a urinary tract infection if the person has already had a prescription in the last 4 years and has no symptoms to refer to the emergency room. What is your age and what are your symptoms and are you taking medication for other reasons, do you have any allergies, are you pregnant or nursing?
Amal El aliti · 3 years ago
Sorry, I just saw the age
35-year-old woman · 3 years ago
The last time I had a UTI was 3 years ago but it was in Spain so I didn't need a prescription. I'm 32 years old and the symptoms are a burning feeling when I go to the toilet and some time after. And a constant urge to go to the bathroom. I am not on any medication and I am not pregnant or breastfeeding. No allergies either
Amal El aliti · 3 years ago
So in this condition, the pharmacist cannot prescribe because there is no prescription made here in Quebec during the 4 years. You have to go see a doctor, in the meantime you can drink a lot of water, take ibuprofen if there is pain but try to see a doctor as soon as possible
35-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Ok thanks
Amal El aliti · 3 years ago

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