Is castor oil really effective for Achilles tendon or carpal tunnel pain?

42-year-old woman5 years ago
Also, are there any dangers in trying this if the person is in pain?
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12 hours

Andres Herrera · 5 years ago
Hello Ms, I will be happy to help you with your question
Andres Herrera · 5 years ago
I am doing some research in scientific databases. I will get back to you shortly.
Andres Herrera · 5 years ago
Castor oil is a natural product that contains several ingredients and among these ingredients, there are some that may have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. The composition of the oil and therefore its effect may vary from one company to another. The oil can be used topically to massage into painful areas. It does not seem to irritate the skin, but can cause allergic reactions so it would be advisable to test it on a small area. It is important to wash your hands after use to avoid contact with the eyes. In some patients, the effect can take up to 3 or 4 weeks to be felt. Unfortunately, there is not enough data to conclude whether this is a truly effective treatment for pain relief, but patients can try it to see if they experience relief.
Andres Herrera · 5 years ago
I hope this answers your question.

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Answered by

Andres Herrera

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