Inflammation following the COVID? vaccine

30-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello, following the ganglion that appeared 1 week after I was vaccinated with moderna, (it will be 3 weeks tomorrow that I received the injection.) I still feel a slight inflammation (as if it was heating) in the arm that received the vaccine. My ganglion is still there, I did a blood test my CRP indicates 12 and lactate dehydrogenase indicates 474. Is this increase due to inflammation? Could the vaccine be the cause? I am worried.
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21 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 3 years ago
Hello Madam, I am sorry to read about your troubles :(
I am however quite reassured that you have seen a doctor, just as a precaution.
However, to evaluate your CRP and LDH values without having the whole picture of your condition is impossible on this platform. I invite you to consult the doctor who ordered the blood test to discuss it further.
Sorry I can't be more helpful at this time
Tom Samaha, pharmacist
30-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Thank you. I saw a doctor who thinks it's due to the vaccine, I'm on antibiotics and he also prescribed another blood test to see if my HDL level goes back down... I wanted to know if a stomach ulcer or something that would cause a light burn in the stomach could show an elevated HDL level? I have also seen that following an effort this level can increase... I did not make any particular effort but I work at night and I took my blood test the next day...thank you for your answer
Naji-tom Samaha · 3 years ago
Several factors can increase the HDL level but it is difficult to know the cause and to give an opinion, especially on this platform with the limited information
If a problematic level is detected, another test is done a few weeks later as a precaution.
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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