What can I do to prevent my son from being constipated again and improve his stool frequency/consistency?

33-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello, my almost 3 year old son has been taking antibiotics (Biaxin) for pneumonia. He finished the whole thing on Sunday September 19th. He is constipated since then. His stools are more rare and very hard and dry. His belly is very swollen. What can we do? Thank you
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an hour

Nathalie Gagnon · 3 years ago
Good evening,
Did he have more liquid stools during the antibiotic treatment?
Is he wearing diapers?
Have his eating habits, liquid or solid, changed since the beginning of his pneumonia?
33-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Good evening,
yes he had more liquid stools for a few days. He had a lot of diaper rash because of this and was screaming when changing diapers. I am afraid he is "traumatized" and is holding back from pooping. His appetite had decreased a lot during the antibiotics, but now it's back to normal since 4-5 days I would say!
Nathalie Gagnon · 3 years ago
You have to make sure you get enough fluid and fiber. You can try prune juice. More great tips can be found here:
You should try to make the toilet time pleasant with a toy, a story, ..
If all this does not work, you can try polyethylene glycol as discussed in the article.
33-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Thank you very much for your valuable advice!

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