I am a girl in secondary 4 and because of the covid I was wondering what 2nd doses of vaccine I am missing?

18-year-old woman3 years ago
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35 minutes

Philippe Laferriere · 3 years ago
Hello to you,
In fact, in the 3-4th secondary school we have a vaccination series to receive. We are talking about possible vaccines for meningitis, HPV (human papilloma virus), diphtheria/tetanus (in one vaccine) and hepatitis B
I suggest that you call a CLSC in your area to make an appointment with a nurse and to be evaluated in this sense given the current situation with the schools. The nurse will be able to give you more information on which vaccines you need (you may not need them all) and may even administer them free of charge (these services are covered by the health insurance plan!).
If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to contact Philippe Laferriere, pharmacist

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