Is there really anything effective to treat poison ivy?

42-year-old woman5 years ago
All of my family members had blisters, rashes and were very itchy. Several parts of the body were affected for several months. People would reinfect themselves with objects from the quotient (cell phone wires, hairbrushes, clothes, clothes racks). I can tell you that I have washed things that I thought had been in possible contact with the sap of the poison ivy. In my house, poison ivy has ruined several summers, some have had it for 6 months. Recently my sister-in-law got it at the end of the summer and it lasted until March and it was the fault of the earphones that came in contact with the poison ivy sap. The only thing to do if you think you have touched poison ivy is to wash quickly with very cold water to prevent the pores of the skin from absorbing the toxin (no hot water). Over the counter creams and cortisone in stores did not seem to be effective either. Do you have any other suggestions or specific names of creams to use? Thank you
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9 hours

Wissam El-Chayeb · 5 years ago
A poison ivy allergy is treated mostly with cortisone creams (different strengths are available, but some are prescribed by the doctor). Also, you can take antihistamines for the itching and limit the allergic reaction. Prevention would only be done by avoiding contact with the plant.
42-year-old woman · 5 years ago
Thanks for the information, knowing that there are stronger cortisone creams that can be prescribed by a doctor we will try that next time. We try to avoid any contact with the plant but it's about 24 hours later that we know we touched it. It's too late and moreover the sap of the poison ivy could have come in contact with many everyday objects. We have cut all kinds of plants hoping to solve the problem every year, but there is always someone who blisters on the skin. We are beginning to think that it might be another plant whose sap can cause the same symptoms. My mother is very afraid of catching this again, as she has suffered the most and several times. Thanks again for the information and your website is a great idea.
Wissam El-Chayeb · 5 years ago
I have a feeling it could also be something given the persistence of the reaction. The sap is contagious mostly by direct contact with the plant, and is easily removed with a thorough rinse. I'm wondering if it could be something else that your mother had such as shingles? You really need to consult your pharmacist or doctor when this happens. Thank you

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