Is rhinaris nozoil safe during pregnancy?

27-year-old woman3 years ago
33 weeks pregnant
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21 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 3 years ago
Unfortunately, there is not enough data on the use of Rhinaris Nozoil in pregnancy to establish the safety of the product. Thus I do not recommend you use it, as we do not know the potential risks to you or your baby 😕 .
In order to be able to help you better, could I know what you wanted to use this product for? That way I may be able to better recommend an appropriate product for you.
Hopefully I can help you further.
Noémie Maurice, Pharmacy Student, supervised by Alexandre Chagnon, Pharmacist
27-year-old woman · 3 years ago
hello for dry nose it's the rhinaris moisturizes and lubricates that I have
Alexandre Chagnon · 3 years ago
According to the information provided, this is indeed Rhinaris Nozoil (moisturizes and lubricates), which I mentioned in the previous post. As mentioned before, I do not recommend you use this product, as we do not know the potential risks to you or your baby.
If you are experiencing dry nose and it is particularly bothersome, I would recommend trying the following instead:
  • Opt for a non-medicated salt water solution (ex: HYDRASENSE) which can moisten your nose and thus reduce the dryness you feel. (WARNING: you should avoid any formulations containing eucalyptus, as these are not safe in pregnancy! 😨 )
  • Try to maintain adequate humidity in the house (humidity level of about 30% in winter and 50% in summer)
  • Maintain a dust-free environment and avoid any contact with cigarette smoke (very irritating for the nose).
If you ever need more details, don't hesitate to contact us again 😊.
Noémie Maurice, Pharmacy student, supervised by Alexandre Chagnon, Pharmacist

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