How can I get rid of the swelling in my stomach? Is lemon and hot water in the morning good for my health?

63-year-old woman5 years ago
I always have a swollen belly, what can I do??? and is lemon and hot water in the morning good for your health.
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2 days

Michaël Cardinal · 5 years ago
Hello, let's start with your second question! drinking lemon and hot water in the morning is a widespread idea that unfortunately does not offer any benefits for digestion. On the contrary, due to its acidity, lemons can actually be irritating to the mucous membranes of our digestive system. In addition, hot water could "destroy" the vitamin C contained in lemons, which can have benefits for our body. In short, lemon water can be a good way to hydrate. Unfortunately, if you suffer from bloating, you will have to find another solution! PS: If you want more details on the acid-base balance in our body, I refer you to the half-truth #2 of this article from the Pharmachien:
Michaël Cardinal · 5 years ago
Concerning your initial question, I have a few questions for you: 1- Are you taking any medication? If yes, which ones ; 2- Do you have a history of digestive problems (acidity, reflux, ulcers, irritable bowel, etc.)? If so, which ones? ; 3- When do you feel the "bloating" (ex: before/after meals)? ; 4- Are there certain foods that make it "worse" (coffee, chocolate, tomatoes, onions, legumes, etc.) ; 5- Do you have any other symptoms to mention that could help me in my suggestions (ex: frequent diarrhea, stomach aches, etc.) Thanks to you and have a nice day :)

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