I am pregnant, can I combine Zantac with Omeprazole for reflux?

33-year-old woman5 years ago
I am 10 weeks pregnant and since the beginning of my pregnancy I have had a lot of reflux. I am currently taking omeprazole once a day. Although my reflux symptoms have improved, they are still present. Is it possible to take something else in addition to this to help?
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16 minutes

Jean-Félix Côté · 5 years ago
Hello Miss, we had a similar discussion last month regarding your reflux. I suggested ranitidine (Zantac) for your symptoms. Have you tried the combination of omeprazole and Zantac?
33-year-old woman · 5 years ago
No, I just wanted to know if the combination was possible
Jean-Félix Côté · 5 years ago
Omeprazole is a very good drug for the relief of reflux in pregnancy and is usually effective alone. If control is not adequate, ranitidine can be added in the short term. There is no danger in combining them, but the disadvantage is that there is tolerance to the drug with ranitidine. So you will probably have an acceptable response in the first few weeks but it may not last. You'll have to increase the dose to achieve the same control. I suggest starting with 75mg in the evening if you take your omeprazole in the morning. Of course, all non-pharmacological methods of treating reflux still apply and generally allow to decrease the frequency of episodes. Hoping to have answered your question, Sincerely, Jean-Félix Côté, pharmacist

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