Hello, can I give lax a day to my 5 year old child?

43-year-old woman5 years ago
He has been constipated for 3 days
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an hour

Genevieve Duperron · 5 years ago
Lax-a-Day is safe even at this age to prevent constipation episodes if they are recurrent. It takes about 24 hours to work. If he weighs less than 17 kg (37.4 pounds), the dose is adapted to his weight: 1g of powder per kg of weight (I can calculate this for you if required). If he is in pain, a glycerine suppository for children tonight could work faster, but avoid repeated use so as not to make the intestine lazy
43-year-old woman · 5 years ago
Thank you very much
Genevieve Duperron · 5 years ago

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