Can disinfectants like purrel be harmful to my baby's health? Are there any types that are better than others?

34-year-old woman4 years ago
I am 33 weeks pregnant and I have used a lot of purrel type disinfectants on the covid.
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a day

Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Hello Madam,
Even repeated use of Purell in pregnant women is not linked to toxicity for the baby. This is because the baby is in a sort of "bunker" that is the uterus and very little gets to it. In short, if you haven't drunk the Purell (😁), there's nothing to worry about.
As for whether one kind is better than another, the important thing is simply to get one that doesn't damage the skin on your hands too much. Let's also keep in mind that soap and water provide equal effectiveness to Purell™ (if that still worries you).
Good evening,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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