I wonder if it's the pill or something else that causes my dizziness.

44-year-old woman3 years ago
I stopped taking the pill 3 days ago and I am constantly dizzy. Is this normal?
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6 hours

Mac-Pherson Anacréon · 3 years ago
stopping your contraceptive itself should not cause you to become directly dizzy.
Have you taken your blood pressure?
Have you had heavy bleeding or a period that lasted longer than usual in the last few months?
Your dizziness could be due to low blood pressure or iron deficiency anemia. All of these can be consequences of heavy and/or persistent menstruation.
Are you able to take your blood pressure? If you do not have a device at home, you can go to a pharmacy near you to take it by asking the laboratory team. This is usually a free service.
44-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Thank you very much!

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