Can I give Boiron Cocyntal to my 1 week old baby?

28-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello, I was wondering if I could give cocintal of Biron to my 1 week old baby. Because I think she has stomach cramps since the beginning of the formula instead of breast milk. Or something else that could help her "constipation" tummy ache. A huge thank you
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3 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 3 years ago
Hello, thank you for your question, and a thousand congratulations to you and the family!
The manufacturer of Cocyntal states that it can be used from 1 month of age. Considering this, and its low potential for effectiveness, I do not recommend giving it to your baby.
I just want to point out that your newborn is still learning to digest on his or her own, and the appearance of cramping or discomfort has no bearing on his or her health or development. The only ''treatment'' is to pamper and comfort the baby when he or she appears uncomfortable.
I hope I have reassured you, I remain available if you have any further questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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