Itching in the vulva after sex?

25-year-old woman3 years ago
For a few days now, I have had itching in my vulva and I also feel irritated after having sex. It started after having several close encounters where I felt irritated afterwards. 2-3 days later the itching started. And when I have intercourse, I still feel a little irritated. I was wondering if the itching was just from irritation or if it was yeast vaginitis?
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16 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 3 years ago
Hello, thank you for your question!
Irritation can occur after sexual intercourse. In the days that follow, it is recommended to avoid creams and soaps in the area, especially those that are scented, as they can slow down the healing process and make the irritation worse. It would be appropriate to avoid condoms that contain spermicide or those with flavors
If your symptoms persist for more than a week, I recommend that you seek medical attention as a precaution.
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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