My spouse is taking an antibiotic for bronchitis, can she take Benylin Bronchitis Syrup or Ulone cough syrup?

58 -year-old man5 years ago
Hello, my spouse is taking Riva-clarithromycin 500 ma for bronchitis and she would like to know if she can take Benylin syrup for bronchitis or the Ulone cough suppressant. For your information she has allergies to penicillin and codeine. Thank you very much for the answer.
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7 minutes

Alexandre Bergeron · 5 years ago
Ulone syrup would be appropriate. It is a dry cough syrup that she can use 3 to 4 times a day in addition to lozenges to soothe the throat. If her cough is more of a wet cough, it would be best to use only a lozenge and good hydration during the day to get the secretions out. At night, she can use the syrup to prevent her from coughing, and thus, sleep better. There are many kinds of Benylin syrup. Some may not be suitable (especially the full formula). So, it depends on which Benylin syrup you are talking about. I hope this helps. Alexandre Bergeron, pharmacist
58 -year-old man · 5 years ago
A big thank you, really appreciated as a service. Congratulations to you!

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