We stopped the Biphentin 50mg for the summer for our boy. For the beginning of the school year, can he start again at this dose?

36-year-old woman5 years ago
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2 days

Jean-Sébastien Laliberté-Gemme · 5 years ago
The increase of the dose when introducing Biphentin is usually to ensure that the product is well tolerated (to make sure that there are not too many side effects)
If the 50mg dose was well tolerated when the medication was stopped, it can be considered to start again directly at this dose. However, if you start again at this dose and you notice side effects that were not there before, if your child's condition has changed during the summer or if you are simply worried about starting again at this dose, it is also possible to contact your doctor in order to start again at a lower dose and gradually increase the dose at that time
36-year-old woman · 5 years ago
Thank you very much!

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