I have bulbs containing liquid that have appeared on my face, hands and also on my arms and neck. What should I do?

29-year-old woman4 years ago
It looks like impetigo or dermatitis herpetiformis. I am gluten intolerant and have had eczema since I was young. I use cream, but it still itches. Given the extent of the condition, will I be able to take a medication to reduce the flare-ups?
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2 days

Mannar Dayoub · 4 years ago
Do you know the circumstances of the appearance of these bubbles? How long have they been there? Is there an evolution? Do you have any other symptoms?
I suspect that it is a reaction to gluten that you may have inadvertently consumed. If so, be very careful not to eat anything else that may contain gluten. A strict gluten-free diet is usually aimed at preventing this type of injury in the long term. If necessary, a consultation with a nutritionist may be appropriate. Continue to apply moisturizer or corticosteroid cream to reduce itching. Cream formulations are preferred here, while ointments and salves should be avoided because of the presence of bubbles. Avoid all other products for the time being.
Finally, I encourage you to consult a doctor given the extent of the lesions and their presence on the face. Skin lesions can take a long time to resolve and systemic treatment (such as dapsone) may be necessary to allow for a quicker recovery. In person, a doctor will be able to better assess your situation and prescribe medication, if necessary.
Don't hesitate if you have other concerns!
Jean-Paul Duong, pharmacy student
Supervised by Mannar Dayoub, pharmacist

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